Monday, May 14, 2012

Fabric Wall Art

The gray walls of my cube were getting to I made some more art! I took some of the fabric scraps I had used in some of my previous projects (look familiar?) and bought some simple canvases at Michael's. I got to get out one of my favorite tools (because it is so stinking easy to use and it does exactly what you want it to every time!), the staple gun. Funny story about the staple gun, mom is no longer aloud to use it since she used the wrong end of it and shot a staple into her hand...but I digress...I took the fabric, ironed it, and stapled it around the canvases like I was wrapping a present. I love the outcome, but love the comments even more! I've been getting some foot traffic lately to check it out. I think I'll make some more!

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