Tuesday, February 28, 2012

It All Started with Some Corks

For a few years I've had a bowl sitting on my kitchen counter that I used to collect corks. The bowl was quite large and I wondered how long it would possibly take me to fill it...that's where mom comes in. After she came over and saw what I was up to, she decided she would help me fill the bowl. With mom's help, the bowl was full in no time! (Just kidding of course.) But we did eventually fill the bowl. Of course, by then I grew tired of looking at it and I moved it to a shelf in the dining room. Then one day I discovered Pinterest...I discovered I could actually do something with all of these corks! I created an R with them gluing them to a cardboard R I bought at Hobby Lobby. The corks made their way back to the kitchen counter, only this time, they may end up staying for a while...

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