Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Project From He%%

I love my house! I love the people I share it with, the neighborhood we live in, and the way I have changed it to be our own. BUT, one of the things I have NEVER liked about my house was the cabinets...the same cabinets that are in the kitchen and three bathrooms. Beige blah, pickled oak, white wash...what ever you want to call them, I call them ugly! The master plan is to one day update the kitchen, so I'll be happy to get rid of them then. In the meantime, I'm trying to update the bathroom ones so they grow on me. For that to happen, we need a small miracle or just some paint! I opted for the paint. I decided to tackle our bathroom during spring break while my family was on a camping trip (because, I don't camp!). It was quite an undertaking and took me the full three days. I had to take off all the hardware and doors and then sand everything down. I then used a de-glosser to take off the finish. That's when the fun of painting began. It took a full two coats of paint on everything because the wood underneath was so light.
Once I finished and let everything dry overnight, I added another two coats of Polyurethane. This seals everything and keeps the paint from chipping. I then was in search of just the right knobs to help finish them off. I found some porcelain knobs at Hobby Lobby that I fell in love with. They also had a brass trim that matched the existing hinges. I am so happy now when I walk into my bathroom and it makes quite a statement!

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