Sunday, April 8, 2012

Tomato, ToMATO

For our anniversary I asked for a plant (since it lasts much longer than flowers...) and my adorable husband made me a patio tomato garden. He did his research and he found the best thing to use is five gallon buckets and drill holes in the bottom to let them drain. He is very practical, something I love about him, and he used some of the buckets we already had--two of which happened to be cat litter buckets. I had to chuckle when I got home because of the Tidy Cat and Fresh Step advertising we were doing on the back patio. Of course, I had to dress them up and put my own touch on them (and help them to match my decor.) For some reason, the new duct tape trend popped into my head and I went with it. I used red duct tape to wrap the buckets. I then discovered you can purchase duct tape sheets, so I used that to cut out letters so we could put names on them. We decided to each pick one and name it for ourselves, hoping it would grow the biggest. My son named his Bob, my daughter used Tomato Dude, and my husband and I claimed Big Boy (since that's the type of tomatoes they are). The race is on! Go Big Boy!

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