Friday, December 28, 2012

A Little Bling

I saw the idea for some jewelry my daughter and I could make using washers and ribbon. It was quite funny when I went to the hardware store to find the washers. I was looking down the right aisle, but couldn't seem to find them so a worker asked me if he could help. I told him I was looking for washers, but he asked which size. Holding up my fingers to make a "O", I said, "about this big." I told him it was for a craft project so he didn't think I was a complete moron. It took me a while to figure out how to braid them through the ribbon to make the pattern, but after four or five attempts, I finally figured it out. My daughter, who just wears the necklace (but didn't participate in the craft), loves it. I also made some for her friends as gifts and smaller ones for bracelets.

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