Monday, December 3, 2012

Trees, Trees, Everywhere Trees...

Last year mom found a great craft project for her girls to try during one of our girls night out--Christmas Tree cones. We took poster board and created cones, then sprayed them with adhesive, and covered them with fabric. Then we decorated the trees with sequins, ribbon, and trimmings to give them pizzazz. While that sounds so easy, it was not! We spent an hour getting the poster board to cooperate and cut the bottoms square so we didn't create any leaning trees. Then we spent another hour spraying the adhesive and and getting the fabric on them, just right, without wrinkles or folds. Once we achieved our nine trees (three each), we sat back and admired our work. Mom was so proud of us. She was so excited and boasted these are selling for $50 on Etsy! I asked how much she spent all on all the fabric and supplies, and she said it was under $ we had to laugh. Luckily we got two more sets for the same price! I then decided a wanted a smaller set (the first set had the largest one at over two feet tall) for my kitchen table. I learned from our test and it was much easier (and cheaper, ha!) the second time around with a smaller goal. I now am enjoying my second season with my two sets of trees. I just need to figure out another room I can add them to!

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