Friday, March 30, 2012

The Infamous Kit Kat Cake

While hanging out on Pinterest one day, I found a Kit Kat cake. I asked my son if he would like to have something like this for his upcoming birthday, and he of course screamed, "Yes!" A few weeks had gone by and it was time to prepare for his birthday and I had forgotten about our little Pinterest conversation. I was asking him what kind of cake he wanted for his party and he gave me a look like, "Are you kidding me?" I get that look a lot from my children so I didn't realize what he was talking about. He soon reminded me about the Kit Kat cake! Like everything else, I had to make it my I added the M&M's on the side for color (oh, and the fact that I ran out of Kit Kats)...It was a huge hit and we have never gone without birthday cake leftovers before!

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